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Delicious pre-made cocktails that are ready to serve, handcrafted by some of Melbourne’s best cocktail bartenders. Our range of bottled cocktails reads like a menu from a fancy cocktail bar because that’s where they come from. Choose from our great range and get cocktails delivered in our cute, custom boxes. Bottled cocktails that you simply chill, serve and garnish.  


Enjoy the bartender’s carefully prepared creations at home


Follow some simple instructions, pour into a glass and garnish


A full selection of cocktails from signatures to classics


Get cocktails delivered to your door and enjoy bar-quality cocktails at home. Shipping Australia-wide is just $10 on all orders through The Cocktail Shop.

Cocktail Kits Delivered Australia | The Cocktail Shop




We’ve all had those moments seated at the bar being mesmerised by the bartender’s slick cocktail-making skills, quietly wishing we could take that cutie home — the cocktail, that is, not the bartender (wink).

If only we could bottle those fun nights out at bars, stuff them in our pockets at the end of the night, and store them away at home for a mid-week tipple or dinner party with friends.

Who made up the rule that drinks at home have to be no-fuss basics like boring beer and wine? Well, no one actually

If it’s just the technique holding you back or you’re missing the required barware and booze collection, fear not. That bartender’s skills are actually available to take home after all.

Whether it’s a classic cocktail like a Martini or Mojito that tickles your fancy or a signature special, our ready-to-serve selection of pre-made cocktails has something to suit everyone’s taste.

Our range of bottled cocktails reads like the menu of a renowned speakeasy because it is, all thanks to some of Melbourne’s best bartenders.

We get it – cocktail kits aren’t for everyone. Making a drink from scratch takes time, but following a few basic instructions and pouring it into a glass to serve does not. Time-poor person, this means you are in luck.

Best of all our bottled cocktails keep these friendly local bartenders in a job, making that mid-week tipple we talked about your benevolent community service.

This is how you can make pre-made bottled cocktails your secret weapon!


An essential guide for anyone making cocktails at home. Learn the tricks of the trade, from bar tools and mixing techniques to glassware, garnishing, storing alcohol, and bartender lingo. This one’s on the house. Complements of The Cocktail Shop.